The SchoolAid platform is offered as a web-based service which easily integrates with the existing website of the educational institution. It allows the educational institution to integrate its responsive website and legacy packages along with the purposefully built SchoolAid Parents’ App, Teachers’ App and School Bus App.
The platform allows easy compilation of the data of students and teachers, which can be accessed anywhere securely over an internet connection using a basic browser on any kind of device, thus providing all authorized stakeholders with relevant information as and when they need it, wherever they need it.
The platform is also the backbone of the SchoolAid range of apps and serves as a repository for maintaining the data associated with the various apps.
The platform provides an Admin panel which allows the school’s administration staff and the teachers to setup the app and use it with the convenience of a large screen and efficiency of a PC/MAC or any other device.
This in turn also allows interfacing with any legacy desktop software the school may be using and also any other web applications being used by the school. The platform also allows the school to setup access permissions to various data, as well as the SchoolAid range of apps in its functionality.
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